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Midweek Twisting Vinyasa (EN)
Mid of the week, time to reflect on what's been going well and what's still to come. The beauty in twisting in Yoga is the connection between the past and the future to allow us to be fully active in the present moment. In this twisting class, we'll be twisting through various asanas energizing us for the second half of the week to come🌞 Sometimes more quickly, sometimes more slowly - Always with the aim to wake your body up😊 All Levels welcome - Prior Vinyasa practice can be helpful
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Bei Fragen bitte wende dich telefonisch an Sebastian unter der 01627993896. Namaste!
17 Euro
17 €
Shaktiyoga, Sülzburgstraße, Lindenthal, Germany
Shaktiyoga, Sülzburgstraße, Lindenthal, Germany
Bitte achte darauf in welchem Raum der Kurs stattfindet
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